Friday, February 11, 2011

Why am I so excited?

Why am I so excited about....color samples?! I ordered some color samples from Cards and Pockets (pretty sure we are going to use them to order our paper products) and they are a-maz-ing! This is one of the most exciting things to happen during my planning (kind of kidding, kind of serious)!

All jokes aside, the colors are really beautiful, and besides using them for our invitations, we can now use them when we look for anything else (decor, etc) for the wedding! I can't wait for Rob to get home so he can look at them and help me decide which ones we want for the invites (he, however, will probably not be anywhere near as excited as I am!).

It may seem a little early to be thinking about invitations, but I'm (big surprise) planning on doing them myself. Besides DIY'ing a lot of the other elements of the wedding, I simply couldn't find any that I really liked, and I refuse to pay double for something I don't like :)